Kylie Jenner and Dermal Fillers
Kylie Jenner has had an incredible rise to fame and fortune. Millions of people worldwide have seen Kylie Jenner grow from a child to a teenager and finally one of the most beautiful and powerful women in the cosmetics industry. From her Instagtram account Kylie Jenner has established a connection with young people all over the world. Kylie regularly posts pictures if herself which has a direct influence on her army of fans.
Their have been hundreds of articles written on the extend that Kylie Jenner has used dermal fillers and we will never know whether Kylie has had her jawline or cheeks enchanced with dermal fillers, however, Kylie Jenner has gone on record to confirm that she has had lip filler procedures.
Kylie Jenner Admits To Lip Fillers. And It Surprises Literally Nobody.
Kylie Jenner opens up about plastic surgery and reveals the real reason she gets lip fillers
When Kylie decided to remove her lip fillers it was worldwide news, however, the attraction of plumper fuller lips was too much for Kylie Jenner and within months Kylie return to having lip filler procedures.
Kylie Jenner's hooked on lip injections again! New mom, 21, plumps up pout during 'late night touch up' just three months after getting fillers removed
Whilst having such great influence, this created a demand from her fans who were requesting the Kylie Makeover Package. Aesthetic clinics have responded to this demand by creating tailor made Kylie Packages for females that want cheeks defined, jawlines sharpened and lips plumped.
One such clinic is FAB Clinic in Rainham Kent who has created 3 Kylie Dermal Filler Packages for clients to choose from.
The Kylie Specials range from £399 to £599 depending on the areas clients are looking to enhance.